Did Jesus Have Long Hair? United Church of God
Table Of Content Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged christologyart. Unlocking the Symbolic Meaning of Jesus’s Hair Length in Religious Art and Cultural Beliefs Most people assume that Jesus had long hair. But is that accurate? Did a lot of men have flowing locks in ancient Judea? Exploring Artistic Representations of Jesus and His Hair But Jesus did not keep a Nazirite vow, because he is often found drinking wine - his critics accuse him of drinking far, far too much of it (Matthew chapter 11, verse 19). If he had had long hair, and looked like a Nazirite, we would expect some comment on the discrepancy between how he appeared and what he was doing - the problem would be that he was drinking wine at all. In fact this familiar image of Jesus actually comes from the Byzantine era, from the 4th Century onwards, and Byzantine representations of Jesus were symbolic - they were all about meaning, not historical accuracy. He is the most painted figure in ...