Ingrown hair cyst: Treatments, causes, and prevention

cysts on pubic hair

When you think of a boil, you probably think of a red lump that’s sensitive to touch and filled with fluid, right? Well, this is actually a pretty good description of what a cyst is. What you might think of as a vaginal boil could actually be an inflamed cyst. A cyst from an ingrown hair can range from a small, painless lump to a large, infected growth. A doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics to treat an infected pilar cyst.

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A follicle is a collection of cells that form a tube, or sheath, around a single hair. A cyst will appear as a small, round, or dome-shaped bump. Pilar cysts tend to be between 0.5 and 5 centimeters (cm). Because they grow very slowly, a person may not notice a pilar cyst until it reaches a certain size. Prescription acne medications might be needed if OTC methods don’t work.

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When new hair forms, if the hair follicle is closed up, hair can't grow out of the follicle and through the skin. They commonly form in your skin, and may possibly develop along your bikini line. These are different from razor burns or acne-like breakouts called folliculitis, both of which cause smaller spots on your skin.

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Your doctor will numb the area before making a small incision in the cyst and draining what’s inside. If you’re really on the struggle bus with this and you can’t deal with it any longer, or it’s causing you intense pain and irritation, see your doctor. An ingrown hair occurs when the hair grows downward instead of upward and becomes trapped under the skin.

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cysts on pubic hair

Not all ingrown hairs become infected, and they usually resolve on their own in a few days. Staphylococcus (staph) infections can occur with an ingrown hair. Staph is typically present in your skin flora, but it can’t cause an infection unless it enters a break in the skin. For a severe infection, they can prescribe medication to treat it and coax the hair out. For example, prescription steroid creams can reduce inflammation, and prescription-strength antibiotic creams can treat the infection.

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If you need to moisturize the area, only use gentle, unscented products. Asking those kinds of questions may offer some relief. With that said, if you’re at all concerned, seeing a doctor is a good idea. With that said, STIs can present in a ton of ways depending on what you’re dealing with. If you think you may have one, see your doctor as soon as possible for testing.

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That’s why, if you ever visit a doctor about a vaginal boil, they may diagnose you with something much more specific. Certain mysterious bikini-line bumps can throw you for an especially large loop. Is that an ingrown hair, zit, or could it be something more serious? Here are signs you’re dealing with an ingrown hair instead of another health issue—plus when to see a doctor to be sure.

tiny white bumps around vagina and anus

When one develops a cyst where there is an ingrown hair it definitely means that the infection is deep into the skin. Ingrown hairs in the pubic area can form cysts — sacs of fluid beneath the skin. A person may notice a lump, possibly with a hair visible beneath it. Cysts often go away without treatment, but some require antibiotics or draining. If a person has concerns about ingrown hairs, or if they experience symptoms of an infection, it is best to contact a doctor for advice.

Ingrown hairs are not usually dangerous, but they can be intensely painful. They can also lead to an infection, which may worsen or travel to the blood without treatment. If the cyst is not causing any symptoms, a person may decide not to seek treatment.

Shaving and waxing are the most common causes of ingrown hairs. At first, a person may notice a series of small bumps, which may be reddish and itchy. These patches of ingrown hairs are called razor burn. Many people call these bumps razor bumps or razor burn, and their medical name is pseudofolliculitis. Folliculitis refers to inflammation of hair follicles. A bacterial or fungal infection is typically the cause.

The doctor may recommend antibiotics or other treatments. Certain people may be at a higher risk of ingrown hairs. For example, people with thick, curly hair tend to develop ingrown hairs more often than people with fine, thin hair. This is especially true with pubic hair, which tends to be coarser than the hair on the head or the rest of the body. If the ingrown pubic hair gets infected, the bumps may be painful and filled with pus.


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